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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kayaking in Lake Placid

On Tuesday, Joe and I checked the weather forecast and decided that it was the day to go out on our kayaks. The weather was forecasted to be high in the mid 7o's with partly to mostly cloudy skies. Wednesday, Thursday, and possibly Friday was a chance of rain and we didn't want to go out in the rain. Last week we were supposed to go out but it rained all week long. So, we had our first voyage out in the kayaks yesterday. It was fantastic. We went around the entire perimeter of Lake Placid. It was the first time we had ever done this in this lake. What beautiful houses there are on the lake. One was a new construction boat house that had a lot of Asian influences and was absolutely gorgeous. We found a little beach area and stopped to eat our peaches and granola bars (do we sound like outdoors people with that type of a snack!). Joe went into the water for a little swim but I didn't because I was freezing. It was cool without the sun. We did 8.58 miles in about 3 hours - not fast at all but we had a great time. Joe and I are always competitive in races that we just wanted to have fun. Mission accomplished. The sound of the water under the kayak and the paddles in the water is so soothing. We had a great time. We got to see a few loons as well, which were really neat. Next kayaking trip we will probably go to Lake Flower and try to navigate into Saranac Lake.

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