About Me

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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ironman Here I Come

Ironman training started!!! I am back. I love the crazy workouts, the time in the gym (and there is a lot of it), I missed my bike (I can get back into my love/hate relationship with my bike. I don't have kids, I have a bike!!), and the pool is always welcoming! Aside from the Southwest, Lake Placid, Keene Valley and Burlington, the gym is one of my favorite places to be. If I could workout for 8 hours a day, I would be the happiest person ever. Along with the great feeling of accomplishment I get when I complete my planned workouts for the day, I am also sleeping well and have regained my appetite which I have to keep in check. I missed the lovely perfume of a triathlete - chlorine from the pool (that smell never seems to go away).

I love triathlon training!

Monday, December 1, 2008

San Antonio Pictures

I posted a few San Antonio pictures today. Thought everyone would enjoy them! San Antonio was a beautiful place and a fantastic trip.