About Me

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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

May Stats - UGH!!! Allergies

Here are my stats for May - they suck!!! I have been sidelined twice during the month of May because of my allergies. (It has been a really bad allergy season here in the Northeast) Due to my allergies, I have not done as much swimming as I wanted to because when I am feeling allergic the chlorine in the pool generally kills me. Plus, with this sinus infection for the past week, I haven't been able to workout for 4 days in a row and then really light workouts for two days in a row. 8 weeks left and I am going for it!! I have faith in my next few weeks. Everything will be great!

Run distance: 46.4 miles
Run time: 8 hours 13 minutes
(FYI - my average pace was a 10:37 which is really fast for IM training)
Bike distance: 293.2 miles
Bike time: 21 hours 41 minutes
Swim distance: 6.7 miles (yuck)
Swim Time: 4 hours 29 minutes
Yoga - 1 hour
Total workout distance: 346.3 miles
Total workout minutes: 35 hours 23 minutes
Total calories burned: 19,034

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