About Me

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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pain and Training

Tour de Cure is tomorrow. I am really excited for it except for the fact that I have managed to hurt myself. I went for a run and to yoga Wednesday night and felt that my left knee was bothering me. I went for my long run on Thursday. I left my car with the intention of running for 2 hours and 15 minutes but within the first 15 minutes, I knew that may be a stretch. I was having knee pain. I thought that at the 40 minute mark that I probably should go back to the car but I didn't. I kept running. At the hour mark, I was in pain and decided that I was done and needed to go back to the car - funny though, instead of walking back I ran. I am regretting that now. I have been limping around for the past 2 days and am a little worried about what I did. Right now after two days of heating, icing, heating, stretching and resting (yes, I have taken two days off in a row to ensure that I am not using it), it is feeling better. I hope tomorrow will be ok. I have decided to take it one mile at a time and, if it doesn't feel good enough to do the 100 miles, then I don't do the 100 miles - I do what I can. I have to think of the big picture (Ironman) instead of the little picture (tomorrow). I am hoping that I will be up and literally running by next Wednesday since next Sunday is the Lake Placid Half Marathon.

On another note. Lila (my niece) participated in her first science fair this week. She blew away the teacher and the other students with her detailed project on bones and the deer. She was so proud of her project and I was so proud of her. Poor child may be taking after me.

Cooper's 2nd birthday was today. His party was a lot of fun. His diaper was so full of water after he jumped in the pool that his diaper was down around his knees (see picture below). It reminded Joe and me about the first triathlon we did where this man wore his bike shorts in the pool and at the end was running with the padding around his knees (by the way, he beat Scott in that triathlon which was even funnier - we haven't let him forget it either). Happy Birthday Cooper!

I will let you know how the Tour goes. I hope for the best.

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