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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monday night mini-tri and the weekend of training

Wednesday of last week, I got a flat tire. I fixed it but my CO2 cartridge didn't work well and had to get a ride back to the camp by a complete stranger. If I wasn't Ironman training, I would have gotten changed and had a beer and a nap but NO I am going to be an Ironman so I went back out to do the loop I wanted to complete.

Thursday of last week - 3 hour (15 mile run). Felt ok. Only one left to do. Figured out that River Road will be a lonely dark place at night. I better get used to the dark and the funny noises in the woods.

Friday of last week - it rained when we got to Lake Placid to do a bike and a swim with Melinda (already an Ironman). I got on the bike during a downpore and rode slowly because I couldn't see where I was going. The bike ride in itself was easy and not painful at all (ony 15.5 miles). Got in the water and started to swim. Had a great, easy swim with Melinda. Went to the Lake Placid Pub and Brewery for dinner with Melinda, Kristie, and Joe and had some good beverage, good food, and good company even though they asked us to leave our table because there were people waiting. Joe and Melinda had just finished their beers and we were wrapping up the evening and they couldn't wait. It is funny because at other times we have been told to take our time when we left early and went to the bar because people were leaving. We spend a lot of money there to be ushered away from our table that quickly. I was very disappointed.

Saturday of last week - my Dad's birthday - it was a rainy, cool day. Not a nice one but for running it was great. Got in about 5.3 miles in 1 hour. Felt pretty good other than the knee being sore for a little while.

Sunday of last week - rode the Ironman course + 16 miles on River Road with Melinda for a grand total of 72 miles. It felt really good. The Ironman course felt easier than it did the first time. How exciting. The day was perfect too with wonderful temps and it was sunny. I really felt like I could actually become an Ironman after today's bike ride.

Monday - Monday Night Mini-Tri at Mirror Lake - it had rained for about an hour from 3:30 to 4:30 then we left for mini tri. 400 yrds swim, 12 mile bike, and 3 mile run - piece of cake right?? NO! I was so cold before we started and as soon as we entered the water, I just couldn't catch my breathe. I started having an asthma attack but needed to finish the swim. I tried to make my stroke longer on my breathing side to make sure that I was getting enough air but sighting became my issue because it would make me short of breathe again. So bad. I got to transition and did my inhaler which I had to find in my bag, then headed out on the bike. Bike was fine - tough with the 72 miler under my belt from Sunday but fine. T2 was slow. Run was painful. I am not in sprint shape, what was I thinking would happen if I tried to race a sprint. Overall time was a 1:32. Not too bad but not good either. Here is the rundown.
Swim: 10.18.53
T1: 2:36.16
Bike: 47.26.07
T2: 1:43.10
Run: 30.08.32
This is what made me question (again) my ability to become an Ironman. I hate this back and forth crap.

Today, swim. Tomorrow, long run and swim. Thursday, bike. Friday, swim long, bike long. Saturday, off day taper begins. Sunday, Boilermaker!!!!

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