About Me

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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mini Tri, June Stats, and Year to date stats

Don't know why I didn't post the June stats before but here they are:
Swim miles: 9.82
Swim time: 7hours 3 min
Bike miles: 335.63
Bike time: 10hours 28 min
Run miles; 55.65
Run time: 10 hours 28 min
Total miles; 401.1
Total minutes: 42 hours 13 min

Stats for the year to date (which if you compare back to last year they are crazy). These numbers are shocking to me:
Swim miles: 58.29
Swim time: 39:42
Bike miles: 1617.27
Bike time: 121.60
Run miles: 356.55
Run time: 67.15
Other miles: 5.01
Other time: 11:01
Total 2037.12 miles
Total time: 239.57 (about 10 days)

Monday night mini tri:
Goal: To be loose and have a good night. Not necessarily racing but getting in some decent speed work.

Outcome: not a bad night. My swim started well and then I started having breathing problems. I think it is because of the cold I have, the cold weather (only in the high 50's), and I swallowed some water. All in all, a good swim. The bike was fine. Cold but fine. My hamstring is a little tight so I need to stretch a lot over the next few days. The run was good, started slowly then picked up the pace when it started to downpore. It was a cold, cold rain. It stung when it hit you. It wasn't a pleasant rain but I laughed when it started raining and felt bad for Joe who was waiting for me at the finish line.

Total time: 1:29: 39
swim: 9:55, bike and transition: 47:57, run and transition 31.47 (forgot my watch at the camp so I don't have completely accurate times).

After the race though, I cooled down so quickly. Joe and I jumped in the car, turned on the heat on full blast, and drove straight home. I didn't even get changed because we didn't have any dry towels because of the rain. I was sooooo cold that I was shaking uncontrolably. Joe let me out of the car so that I could go take a bath and warm up while he unpacked the car but I was so cold that that only helped slightly. I couldn't feel my fingers or my toes. I got out of the bath and put on several layers of clothes and then had a cup of hot chocolate. I finally stopped shaking an hour later but didn't fully warm up until around 1am when I got really hot under all of the blankets that I had on. I feel much better now and actually have an off day - not sure what to do with myself especially since it is a rainy, cold day in the Adirondacks.

I am looking forward to a visit from Brenda next week and will be planning my menu for the week today. I may finish my book Julie and Julia which is fun and entertaining. I may take a nap. I may make zucchini blondies. Wow, what a plan for the day!

Tomorrow, just a swim on the Ironman course - full 2 loops hopefully and then laundry. Wow, these one workout days are so simple. I am getting antsy already.

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