About Me

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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why can't training for Ironman be my full time job?

Back to work on Monday! A 16 hour training week awaits too. It was so much easier being on vacation and doing the 14.5 hours of training - now I have to work and train, yuck!!! I think when you pay that much money to do Ironman, they should somehow pay your bills so you don't have to work while training which will allow you to train more effectively. Maybe someday Joe will become a professional triathlete with lots of endorsements and then we can both stop working and train full time. Notice how I said Joe could become the professional - I don't live in a complete dream world, I am just not fast enough to become a pro!!! But, just in case someone wants to sponsor us, we are both completely available and open to it - Powerbar, gatorade, oakley, nike, reebok, NEWTON (not fig, the sneaker dudes, but we would take fig too), Viagra (just because I am female doesn't mean I wouldn't wear their jersey), etc - we are not picky!!!

On another note, I have started tracking my calorie intake on The daily plate which is through www.livestrong.com. What a fantastic sight - trying to figure out my calories in/calories out so that I can try to get down a few pounds before Ironman and regulate my energy level more appropriately during training.

I hope everyone plans on watching the Boston Marathon on Monday - should be a great show!! Go Ryan!!!!

BTW - my legs feel fantastic right now even after all of the miles this week. I feel really strong. I am very excited. I am really excited about Tinman at this point too - I will be in great shape by then!

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