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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Trying to navigate traffic

Went for my first brick workout yesterday - 3 hour bike, 30 min run. It went really well. I slowed down on the bike which is something that I have to learn to do, instead of starting pushing hard and then dieing at the end. The run felt so good - faster than my usual runs but I wasn't trying half as hard as I usually do. Wonderful workout!!

I hate biking in Schenectady though. I left my house and got to the corner of Draper Ave and Broadway - had to wait due to traffic. When I finally got to go, there was a person waiting to turn left but he looked right at me and indicated I could go but when I went he went as well - came extremely close to hitting me. I called him an a%$hole and kept riding - getting back into a rhythm. Then at the intersection of Curry Road and Guilderland Ave a person got right on my back wheel while I was going through the intersection and laid on his horn at me. Again, I used some profanity but kept riding. My question is: Why do people not understand that I am not trying to be a pain in the behind but I also have every right to be on the road? Give me my 3 ft of space and then you can go around me but don't make me think that I am going to die because you are in a rush and don't want me on the road!! It isn't like I am riding two abreast or riding in the middle of the lane or swerving all around - I am riding by myself on the white line or on the shoulder (if there is a shoulder - which there isn't really on Guilderland Ave) trying to stay as far away from cars. I hate riding in Schenectady - it is too dangerous.

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