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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy, Fat, and Lazy

It has been a week since the Tinman. I have done very little in the past week. It has been really hard to get myself motivated to do anything this week. I got out for a bike ride on the 4th and just didn't feel like going very far and my legs just felt tired. I went for an easy swim on Saturday and basically played in the water for the entire time. I haven't been sore from the race but tired and a little bit under the weather. Hopefully this will end soon.

In the 10 weeks before the Tinman, I stopped eating desserts, candy, ice cream, etc. I have spent the past 7 days eating cake, cookies, ice cream after dinner every night. I have to stop that now. So, starting today, I am going back to my old habits. It is better for my stomach that way. I may go for the next few weeks leading up to training for the marathon to ice cream once a week though - ice cream is good!!!

Tonight will be my first real workout since Tinman, Mini-triathlon in Lake Placid. Next on the agenda is the Utica Boilermaker on Sunday, July 13th, which could be great as we have a group of people who are going to run it this year instead of just me and Joe. After that is Ironman weekend where I am working registration and an aide station and then signing up for next years Ironman!!! Then, Race the Train in August. Then in November, my third marathon - Rock N Roll San Antonio!!!

I will give a race report on the mini-tri later this week. Hopefully, I will break out of my slump soon.

Overall though, the summer is really nice!!! I have been reading a lot. I finished Lipstick Jungle right before we left and then I read Nights in Rodanthe which was a good, easy read. I am currently reading The Secret Lives of Overachievers. It is an interesting analysis of high achieving students and their families. It is good for me to read as I teach these kids in my AP class. I frolicked in the water with Lila, Kaelah, and Sierra yesterday which was a ball as Lila likes to race you down the river now and Kaelah loves being in the water. Sierra is tentative in the water but loves to play as long as she doesn't get water in her face. Joe and I have had fantastic meals at the Great Range, Lake Placid Pub and Brewery, and Cedar Run. The fireworks at the Ausable club were very nice this year. The weather has also been fantastic.

Well, that is enough of an update for now. I will post again later this week. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer as much as I am.

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