About Me

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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Friday, June 27, 2008

2 days to go

I did a loosening up run and swim today. All felt good. I feel ready. While I was running today, I was thinking about what I would think about on Sunday to get me through the day, weather and all. Here is a list of what I came up with:
1. When Carissa, Zach, Cooper, Lila, Kaelah, and Sierra (my nieces and nephews) get older, they may look at what Joe and I have accomplished and feel that if we could do that, then they can do anything they put their hearts and minds into. And maybe, just maybe, they will want to do it as well.
2. What my friend Kim said to me the night before my first marathon (and the thought that helped me through both of my marathons: Picturing Al running after me wearing a pink boa and a pink undergarment. HeHeHe!!
3. Not hitting any cows, bears, or having deer run into me.
4. This is a stepping stone to Ironman Lake Placid 2009 - Here I come!
5. How excited and proud I am of myself for working so hard and going after what I never dreamed possible.
6. My parents and Alynn will be expecting me back at some point
7. Joey will be waiting for me at the finish line.
8. Kim being one of my biggest cheerleaders. I know that Kim understands and appreciates all that goes into training and enjoys hearing of my progress. I can't wait for Ironman because Kim will be there and be the one that helps me push through the pain and emotions and get me through to the end. Alynn and my parents will be cheering me on that day. They are fantastic as well.
9. How many of my friends, family, and coworkers who will not be there but are thinking of me and wishing me luck while I am out there for 8 hours whether they understand or not.
10. How pround of me my dad, mom, and husband will be.

2 days until the big day. I am so excited! With all of the support I have, it has to be a good day. 70.3 here I come!

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