Instead of doing a traditional race report I decided to do a list of things I learned during the Vermont City Marathon! So, here it goes:
1. Marathons hurt and I remembered how strong I am when I just kept trucking especially while running into a head wind with rain pelting your face.
2. I went out too fast. If you are a former athlete of mine reading this, you will be laughing since all I used to tell you is "Don't go out too fast". I should take my own advice.
3. I love my running mantras. I employed all of them over and over again. Especially the one "If I'm smiling, it doesn't hurt that badly!"
4. I love the feeling of a finish line! There is nothing like it.
5. I have great friends and family who cheered me on while watching the race in Burlington, while waiting for texts from my husband to see how I was doing, while running the marathon and yelling to me when they saw me, and who decorated my house in celebration of my accomplishment.
6. I am capable of dealing with a lot of nasty weather (rain, wind, 41 degrees) for a long time (5 hrs and 11 min of it to be exact).
7. I loved every minute of every mile of the race and can't wait to do it again! 6 marathons complete, 5 states down, 45 plus DC to go! But I think I'll do an Ironman before I get to the 7th!
7. The last and most important: This wasn't about cancer and conquering cancer when I finally hit the starting line. This was about me being back in the place where I belonged. Where I fit in. I'm BACK!

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