I received a phone call early Thursday morning saying that my appointment with my surgeon had to be changed because he had an emergency surgery. The secretary wanted to see me immediately. I was supposed to go to yoga but I knew this appointment was going to be a good one and he was going to finally allow me to run again. So I made the decision to skip yoga and go to hear him say I could run again - with limitations. It was the best decision I made that day. I was cleared to run short distances. Not my idea of short distances (6 miles), the rest of the worlds idea of short distances - 1/4 mile and work up little by little. I was also told I couldn't run 2 days in a row.
My first run was that night. I went out and it was bliss! I hit 1/4 mile and just couldn't stop. It hurt and was slow and the breeze on my now bald head was amazing. I stopped at 1/2 mile in 6:09 - holy slow. But it was everything I wanted it to be. I am so happy to be running again! Joe is also happy I'm running again. He knows it is my therapy sessions. I am also now sleeping through the night again since starting to run and bike! This is a wonderful thing. So since my first run on Thursday, I did a 1 mile run in Keene Valley in 11:45 on Saturday, a 1.25 mile run on Monday in 14:22, and participated in National Running day today, the day after chemo, the day after I had another allergic reaction with a different anti-nausea drug and feel pretty horrible, 1.0 miles in 12:34 - I'll take it. It helped clear my head and got rid of my nausea for a short period of time. And if you are going to say to me did you clear that with your doctor, yes, I did. At my appt today she encouraged me to do a short run as it has been shown that people who workout have less nausea. She was also really excited that I am now sleeping through the night because of my running and biking - so please don't tell me I'm overdoing it. I am loving my runs!
My hair fell out last week too! Joe and I had a fun time with the shaving! 1st a mohawk and then we just got rid of it. I honestly love being bald, it is liberating - showers are so easy and the wind on your head is lovely. It is also very cold. I will admit that people do double takes all the time and are kind-of rude just watching me but I've gotten used to the looks. I also have become a beacon to others with cancer. I've been approached a few times in public places to ask me about my doctors or oncologists or just say good luck to me during treatment. I guess when you decide to go bald, you accept this as your place in the universe. Here are some pictures of my baldness.