About Me

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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Getting Ready for Tinman

So, I am doing the Tupper Lake Tinman on June 29. This will be my first half Ironman. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I finished my last long workout before the event. I have gone over-distance in all of the disciplines with several 1.5 mile swims, a 14.1 mile run in which I felt like I could go several more miles if I needed to, and a 56 mile and 64 mile bike rides. I am just not sure if I can do all of them on the same day. I guess I will find out.

I am a little afraid of the day mostly because of nutrition. I have been struggling with nutrition. Haven't figured this out yet because every time I go out and think that I have it figured out, I end up with horrible stomach cramps or intestinal issues. What works one day doesn't the next.
I got my Infinit nutrition yesterday and will be trying that this weekend.

Stay tuned!


My taper week and a half is not going as planned. I am exhausted!! I went out on Tuesday night for my last long bike ride (56 miles). Wednesday, I went to yoga and was supposed to run that evening but didn't have enough energy to do that. Thursday, I went strawberry picking after work and then home where I feel asleep on my couch for an hour and a half and didn't get out for my run. So, I woke up this morning and went for a short run and am going to the pool for a short swim after work. At least I did something today. I am really not sure what has happened since my last long run and bike but I am exhausted. I am hoping that I can get through the next week and be rested enough to do well at the Tinman on the 29th but also get in the workouts I want in order to not be lethargic during the race. It is almost like my body knew that I was tapering and just shut down. Planned for this weekend: Baxter Mountain 3.5 mile race on Saturday, a 36 mile bike ride around Keene Valley and Elizabethtown, and a swim on the Ironman course to get in some more open water swimming. Lets hope I get it all in without feeling completely spent.