Saturday, March 7 - Runnin of the Green (Island)
Woke up to a very beautiful day but about an hour earlier than I wanted to because Joe's car had a flat tire and he needed a ride into St. Rose to bring a couple of his athletes to Boston for a track meet. I brought him in and then back to the house to change quickly and head to Green Island. I got to the venue early, picked up my shirt and number, and headed out for the first part of my long run. I got in 35 minutes before the race and it was about 50 degrees out. Figured out that I didn't need to wear a long sleeved shirt so I moved my race number to my short sleeved shirt. What a change from last weeks temperatures in the 20's or lower. I went to the starting line which was buzzing with how excited everyone was about it being warm out. The race started and within the first 5 minutes, I realized that I hate being slow because the people around me aren't actually trying, they are talking about random things. I just wanted to say "Be quiet and run faster!!" I was working so hard. I was aiming for anything under 44 minutes because with all of the training, not much of it on the roads due to the weather, I don't feel like I am in the best running shape (good swim shape, ok bike shape, but just not where I wanted to be running wise). The first mile was a 9:55. I couldn't believe it. I was working hard but felt like I was going very slowly. I kept pushing and got a 9:53 second mile, followed by a 9:37 for the third. I kept pushing and feeling like I was getting faster as the race went on. My final mile was a 9:13 which is a great mile time for me!!! I PRed!!! I can't believe it. I guess I may be in a little better running shape than I thought. After the race, I finished my distance with a 17 minute cooldown which left me with a 1 hour and 30 min run which is exactly what I had planned. I also now had a slight sunburn.
So, due to a change in my plans, I got to go home after the race and take a nap. I slept for an hour and a half and was awaken by my alarm. I couldn't believe I was so tired. Got ready to go and pick up my parents from the airport and then head out to the Ride for Missing Children's spin-a-thon in Clifton Park. I got there a little early and got on the bike, just to get my legs moving from being a little tight from the run in the morning. Amy came out to ride with me and Stacy. After an hour and 20 minutes of spinning, I had had enough for the day, went to dinner, and then went home to eat dinner.
Sunday, March 8
Another beautiful day. Well, at least it started sunny and warm but became a little chilly and windy. Joe and I really wanted to get out on the bikes today for our first outside of ride of the year. Due to errands and other commitments, Joe and I didn't get out to ride our bikes until around 4 pm. It was about 45 degrees and very windy. The first ride outside is always very exciting but also very demoralizing. It is so much harder to ride outside than it is to ride on the trainer indoors. My legs were tired and sore from yesterday but I was really excited to ride outside and do a little hill over and over again. It went ok. It is so depressing to know that I put in soooo many hours on the trainer and it was so much harder to be out on the road. I have to get used to it though and Joe keeps reminding me that even though it is harder outside, all those indoor miles will help with my bike fitness later. So, after 14 miles and an hour of riding, my feet were numb and I was cold so we called it a day. On a positive note, that is a lot faster than I ride on the trainer, it also felt much more difficult but it was still faster. I can't wait to be outside riding for good. Probably not this week since it is supposed to be 30 degrees again. I will be dreaming of good riding weather.