About Me

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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Video link of Ironman Weekend

Here are the links to two videos on youtube that my father edited together. It shows the weekend and the chaos that surrounds it very well.



Monday, August 3, 2009

July Stats and recovery update

So, after Ironman was just a huge feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. Like our new shirt says "Life is better after 140.6 miles." It is just an amazing feeling that you can do anything. Legs one week out are feeling better but I am missing the training. I went out for my first workout post-Ironman yesterday and it felt horrible. My upper back still has a lot of muscle soreness and pain but I am stretching regularly. Hopefully this week will allow for better active recovery. I can't expect much as I did do 140.6 miles in one day and I need to heal.

Here are my stats for the month of July and overall stats for the year (it is amazing that one person can do all those miles). If you had asked me 4 years ago if I could do this, I would have said it was impossible. Remember for July, 2 weeks were for tapering and I took an entire week off after Ironman and 140.6 miles of that was done in one day, crazy:
July stats:
Swim 10.66 miles
Swim time 7 hrs 7 min
Bike 413.99 miles
Bike time 30 hrs 7 min
Run 96.12 miles
Run time 19 hrs 16 min
Total miles 520.77
Total time 56 hrs 30 min

2009 year to date stats:
Swim 64.91 miles in 44 hrs 7 min
Bike 1816.6 miles in 136 hrs 55 min
Run 397 miles in 75 hrs 51 min
Other 5.01 mi in 11 hrs 1 min
Total 2283.51 miles in 267 hrs 55 min (a little more than 11 days of working out)