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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Monday, April 30, 2012


I have begun getting nervous about appointments again after the last 4 appointments. Today went really well though. I had my bandages taken off, I was told it looks like I am healing well again. There was no talk of more stitches because everything looks like it's healing correctly right now. Honestly, there aren't many more areas that I could have more stitches though. I cannot look at the stitches but I trust my doctor in saying it looks good. I know these stitches will make my scar a little bigger but I don't care. I just want to heal. Who is really going to look at my chest other than me and my husband ever anyway? We re-bandaged so that I could continue to take regular showers and they seem to heal better when they are covered. This also means less maintenance for me. He also said I need to use my arms and maintain my former posture because I haven't been doing that in order to protect my incisions. So, we keep thinking positive thoughts, visualizing my healing and appropriate mitosis, and maintaining my vitamin C and protein intake to keep healing. Because of my lack of healing over the past few weeks, we (both doctors and myself) decided to start chemo next week on Tuesday to give me a little more healing time. My year long countdown starts next Tuesday!

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