Thursday was surgery, Friday I was basically pushed out of the hospital even though I was still puking and having a pretty severe headache. Friday, Joe and I learned to deal with my current situation with drains. Saturday, I was nauseous, extremely nauseous. My thoughts went to what if chemo is like this, I will not survive the year - that is how bad it was. Very quickly we learned that the hydrocodone was making me sick to my stomach and quite possibly giving me hives. We had a decent afternoon though with little thought of throwing up since I was not consumed with hives and itching. Benadryl became my best friend at this point. In the middle of the night Joe decided that washing the hive area again may help and we figured out that where the betadine was put on my body I was having a reaction and close to the tape that is around my surgical wounds was very irritated. Once we washed it again, gave me benadryl and put some anti-itch cream on the hives and I finally got to sleep.
Today. I woke up at around 8 am with itching and tingling around my chest and my back. I stayed awake until 1 eating two meals then took an hour nap and now I am writing. My head is still a bit fuzzy due to all of the medications I have been taking but I am feeling slightly more human. Today I did realize that I am completely dependent on my husband which makes me sad. I am one of the most independent people I know and now I can't even wash my own face. Washing my face and hair feels like it should be done every hour because I feel like I am excreting the anesthesia through my skin which is creating this oily feeling on my skin. I am still walking around the block - we measured it 0.66 miles in 13 min 13 sec today - but depending on my head depends on how much I enjoy being outside. I am dieing to go for a run and it's only been 4 days since surgery - how am I going to last 3 more weeks. This unusually warm weather allows me to sit in the recliner and think "You should go outside" and I am just too fuzzy sometimes to make my move to go out. I am so grateful that friends and family have brought over food for us as I don't know how Joe would take care of me, take care of himself, and do everything else. I didn't expect to be this helpless but the anesthesia really did my body no good. Tomorrow the bandages come off and maybe I can start the range of motion activities. Maybe one drain will come out too which would speed up healing. It can only get better the further from surgery I get!
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