About Me

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I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I have learned a lot about myself over the past year.
1. I am stronger than I thought I could ever be. I am more capable than I thought I was.
2. I am a mental case - I wish I wasn't but I am and for a long time, I would give up when I thought it was too hard. I am capable and I just need to convince myself of that.
3. I don't like the word NO or YOU CAN'T do something. When I was little and had severe asthma I was told that I shouldn't do things by my doctors- why not??? When I was diagnosed with anklylosing spondylitis when I was 21, I was told to stop running - why??? I can do ANYTHING!!! If I can do what I have done, then why are so many people not doing anything.
4. I would never be as sane as I am when I am training by swimming, biking, and running. It is my therapy and I couldn't survive without it. Even though in the late stages of Ironman training as well as in the late stages of marathon training, I am a little edgy.

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