Here I sit on New Years Eve reflecting on the incredible year that I have had:
My lovely husband and I were able to take a year off from Ironman training and focus on running, traveling (me more than Joe), and enjoying life. I have had the pleasure of traveling to Jamaica, Boston (three times), Burlington (twice), Utica (not sure that counts as traveling), Nashville, and spending tons of time in Lake Placid! I have a wonderful life and wonderful family and friends. All of these fabulous people have shown how much they mean to us through not only fun times (volunteering and signing up for Ironman together, getting to know a friend while she was mentally preparing for her first Ironman, running together, weddings, dinners, and enjoying time at random breweries), but also through difficult times where we have lost two family members and through flood cleanup. I have watched communities devestated by flooding (Keene, Lake Placid, and Keene Valley mainly although there were many more effected) and the amazing outpouring of volunteer time from people who do not know us well or live in the area at all. Seeing the labor for our neighbor group and the Lowes groups come into Keene Valley and help out our fellow community members that they have never met was heart warming. Although I never want to live through that again, my faith in humans was restored from watching friends, community members, and people we have never met coming to help out in our time of need and check in on us. I know how much fun Joe and I have on a daily basis which makes me extremely happy in life. I have enjoyed learning how much I enjoy gardening, producing my own vegetables, and then cooking wonderful food. I have also learned how much I LOVE training for Ironman! This year felt a little off without Ironman training!
This year brought the fastest run year I have had ever (PRs in the 5K, 10K, and half marathon). I have run more miles this year than any other year of my running career and, with the help of my slightly faster running partners and a new race mantra of "Someone will be at the finish line and take care of me if I pass out so push harder", I have become faster. The only down point was the completion of my 5th marathon which came after a night with 2 hrs of sleep, a skunk spraying our house, a dog loose in my backyard, and an 84 degree day in October - by no means a failure of a day but a disappointment to finish so much slower than my goal time. This year also brought a running streak (motivated by Runners World and my husband) to run at least 1 mile every day from Thanksgiving to New Years. I have been very diligent with this and have found that I really enjoyed it so I will be continuing until we leave for vacation in February but maybe longer (but not past July 22 as July 23 will be a rest day).
For the year ahead, we are planning a lot of fun things aside from training for our 3rd Ironman. We have decided on traveling to Siesta Key, Florida, for our February break so that we can have the ability to run and swim on vacation since we are training for an Ironman. We will also be traveling to Virginia Beach for the Yuengling 1/2 marathon in March where we will meet friends and enjoy St. Patricks Day. There is also a possiblity of traveling to Arizona in November to sign-up for Ironman Arizona 2013! I would love to continue with my hot yoga classes this year as well as do Zumba once in a while to help change things up. I want to become a more efficient swimming through drills and seeing if I can meet up with a swim coach. I need to become a more efficient biker which I am working on with drills and more time on the trainer during the winter and a friend who happens to be an excellent biker and a bike fit specialist! I have spent this year finding a new bike saddle, being refit on the bike, and adapting the bike to make me more efficient to accelerate my bike fitness and efficiency all in hopes that it will help with my training! I also want to keep up my running speed. I believe this will mean more running mileage but I think I can do this! I would also like to try to make sure that I get back to my vegetarian times (I know some of you are freaking out now). I want to have a more plant based diet again with less meat in it - I'm not going vegetarian again, just less meat. I also know now that there are very reliable vendors at the year round farmers market that can help me get good quality meat when I want it. I want to complete my 3rd Ironman in under 16 hrs (meaning a 9min 59 sec improvement from last time). I want to finish the Ironman with no judgement of myself and my training. I want to cross that finish line with a smile on my face and excited that I have managed to do all that I have in the years that I have been trying. I am looking forward to having my nieces and nephews back at the finish line of the Ironman so they can know that anything is possible. I am looking forward to making my mom, dad, and husband proud of my accomplishment again as well. I am expecting a lot from this year and myself. I am excited for all of the possiblities ahead.
I wish all of you a very happy and healthy new year. See you at the pool, biking, or running as that is where I will be most of the time!
December totals (pre-Ironman training with a running streak)
Total miles: 207.83 mi
Swim: 2.11 miles in 1 hr 34 min total (a pace of 44:23 per mile)
Bike: 124 miles (all on the trainer)8 hrs 45 min (a pace of 14.2 mph)
Run: 81.72 miles in 14 hrs 29 min (a pace of 10:35 mph)
Other exercise (yoga and zumba) 3hrs 15 min
Year end totals:
261 workouts total (missing a few in July, August, and September because I didn't have access to daily internet and then forgot to write them down)
Swim: 8.36 miles (sad) time 5 hr 55 min (pace 42:30)
Bike: 1074.83 miles time 77 hrs 18 min (pace 13.9 mph)
Run: 707.46 miles (most ever) time 128 hrs 20 min (pace 10:54 per mile)
Other: (elliptial, zumba, etc) 17.82 miles time 19 hrs 53 min
Total miles: 1808.47 miles in a time of 231 hrs and 26 min (almost 10 days of working out) with about a total calorie burn of 117083.2!!!
I am excited to have finished the 2009, 2010, and 2014 Lake Placid Ironman, 2016 Ironman Mont Tremblant, the New Jersey Marathon, Rock n Roll Arizona and San Antonio Marathons, ING NYC Marathon, Mohawk Hudson Marathon, and the Vermont City Marathon. I have also run lots of other running races and several 70.3 races. I love racing and triathlons. This is a blog about training and racing!
About Me

- Kelly
- I am a biology teacher by day but a crazy triathlete and runner at all other times.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Stockadeathon and Turkey Trot 2011
The Schenectady Stockadeathon is one of my favorite races of the season but last year it fell on the same day of the NYC Marathon so we missed a year. This year it was a month after the marathon. My only goal was to have fun today. The start is only 10 min from my house which means we got to sleep in and then head over. My goal was under a 1:40 for the 15K. I set out on the run with Stacey and we were doing well. I felt great so I kept getting faster. I realized after the big State St hill that I could push it in and finish under my goal time. 1:38 was my finishing time and it felt good to try to go faster! It was a perfect day for a great run!
Troy Turkey Trot
My family celebrates Thanksgiving by running before endulging. Of course, Joe and I have taken this a little further and decide to forgo the chaos of the 5K and run the 10K to get in a little more running and thus more calorie burn. I love going to races and seeing my former athletes who are still running or former students who are out with their families doing the same thing we are doing! We saw so many people we knew at the race and it just added to the spirit of the day. It was a little chilly on this morning - it was so chilly, I couldn't feel my toes for the first 2 miles of the race. As we set off, I didn't really have a goal as I have been suffering from a slight case of shin splints. I was so cold that I couldn't feel my legs the first mile which I ran in a 10:09 which isn't a bad time for me! I just decided to see what I could do at this point though. I figured I was going to cover the 6.2 miles so I may as well push hard and get some more calorie burn out of this run! This course is now a 2 loop course (yuck) with one longish hill which we do twice (double yuck). This year the hill didn't feel horrible. This made the decision to go fast a little easier. I rounded the first 5K loop in just under 30 min and was super excited for my prospect of doing really well. I set off at a pace that I hadn't done in a long time for the second lap. I realized at mile 4.5 that I may have been trying a little too hard and may not last at this pace but it is worth a try. I went into the last mile realizing I could hit a 57 min 10 K which would be wonderful for me. In the end, the pace was a little too fast for me to maintain and I finished in a respectable 58:19 which is a PR for me by just over a minute. I was able to spend the rest of the day eating and visiting with my family so this was an incredible start to a wonderful day!
This was also the beginning of a Runners World blog idea and an idea that my husband is taking part in - a streak of running at least 1 mile every day between Thanksgiving and New Years. I have been on board so far although I am hesitant to committ because I don't want to fail at something so easy. I guess I am technically in though as I haven't missed a day yet and have planned it into my schedule for the next week! I know I will feel good about myself if I do this especially since my goal is to do the Hangover Half on New Years Day. Plus, I am a runner so why wouldn't I take on this relatively easy challenge. If this warm weather continues, I will be able to run all of those 1 mile or more runs outside too which is really exciting!
The Schenectady Stockadeathon is one of my favorite races of the season but last year it fell on the same day of the NYC Marathon so we missed a year. This year it was a month after the marathon. My only goal was to have fun today. The start is only 10 min from my house which means we got to sleep in and then head over. My goal was under a 1:40 for the 15K. I set out on the run with Stacey and we were doing well. I felt great so I kept getting faster. I realized after the big State St hill that I could push it in and finish under my goal time. 1:38 was my finishing time and it felt good to try to go faster! It was a perfect day for a great run!
Troy Turkey Trot
My family celebrates Thanksgiving by running before endulging. Of course, Joe and I have taken this a little further and decide to forgo the chaos of the 5K and run the 10K to get in a little more running and thus more calorie burn. I love going to races and seeing my former athletes who are still running or former students who are out with their families doing the same thing we are doing! We saw so many people we knew at the race and it just added to the spirit of the day. It was a little chilly on this morning - it was so chilly, I couldn't feel my toes for the first 2 miles of the race. As we set off, I didn't really have a goal as I have been suffering from a slight case of shin splints. I was so cold that I couldn't feel my legs the first mile which I ran in a 10:09 which isn't a bad time for me! I just decided to see what I could do at this point though. I figured I was going to cover the 6.2 miles so I may as well push hard and get some more calorie burn out of this run! This course is now a 2 loop course (yuck) with one longish hill which we do twice (double yuck). This year the hill didn't feel horrible. This made the decision to go fast a little easier. I rounded the first 5K loop in just under 30 min and was super excited for my prospect of doing really well. I set off at a pace that I hadn't done in a long time for the second lap. I realized at mile 4.5 that I may have been trying a little too hard and may not last at this pace but it is worth a try. I went into the last mile realizing I could hit a 57 min 10 K which would be wonderful for me. In the end, the pace was a little too fast for me to maintain and I finished in a respectable 58:19 which is a PR for me by just over a minute. I was able to spend the rest of the day eating and visiting with my family so this was an incredible start to a wonderful day!
This was also the beginning of a Runners World blog idea and an idea that my husband is taking part in - a streak of running at least 1 mile every day between Thanksgiving and New Years. I have been on board so far although I am hesitant to committ because I don't want to fail at something so easy. I guess I am technically in though as I haven't missed a day yet and have planned it into my schedule for the next week! I know I will feel good about myself if I do this especially since my goal is to do the Hangover Half on New Years Day. Plus, I am a runner so why wouldn't I take on this relatively easy challenge. If this warm weather continues, I will be able to run all of those 1 mile or more runs outside too which is really exciting!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Mohawk Hudson Marathon
After watching the Boston Marathon and having a beer in Boston with a friend, Joe and I suddenly decided that it was important to do a marathon this year. Joe's goal was to qualify under the new standards for the Boston Marathon and mine was to PR. This seemed possible as I had been PRing all year and felt like my training was going well and I was getting faster. Joe had found a training plan that he thought would be perfect for his new goal. We signed up for the Mohawk Hudson Marathon and were excited about the challenge ahead. We picked this race knowing that we would be sleeping in our own bed the night before the race and could control our food intake the days before, plus no jet lag to deal with - this should be a great experience. Then comes this summer when I had really bad training runs and struggled through the heat and the amount of running miles that the plan had called for. But all this had changed in the four weeks preceeding the marathon. I completed my first 20 mile training run ever! Not only did I complete it but I rocked it time wise (3hrs 34 min). I had made a few changed in my weekday runs too which was reaping great benefits to my mental status and my body felt better. I went into taper thinking this marathon was going to be great! If Mother Nature was to grant us a perfect day, I had the potential to have a perfect day!
The day before the race was more chaotic than we had planned it to be but we recovered quickly and even took a nap. We went to bed at 9:30 with a great night planned of sleep ahead of us. At 12:45 am I saw lights around the block and heard a woman screaming outside. I then heard something in the backyard. I realized that the woman was yelling for her dog. This dog was in my backyard. I tried to yell to the woman that her dog was in my backyard but she was yelling at her significant other at this point. Then the smell hit. The dog had chased a skunk into the backyard. The skunk sprayed the dog right under the kitchen and bedroom windows. The entire house smelled of skunk. The dog finally left our yard about an hr later. The woman found the dog but because it smelled, let the dog sit outside the rest of the night and cry from 2 am until we left for the race in the morning.
Race Day:
Temps were starting at 55 degrees but were scheduled to get up to 80 degrees by the end of the day. I kept thinking I would be fine if I just hydrated appropriately. My more pressing concern was that I hadn't slept all night and smelled like skunk. We also knew that after the race, we would have to go home and figure out how to deal with the smell, not just sit down and rest. The race started and I felt great. I ran my first mile slower than I had planned but knew that that was just my style of running so I wasn't worried. At around mile 11 I realized it was getting warm out and I was running a little faster than I had planned. I figured I would just slow back down to the pace I wanted but I was struggling to find that pace (I had been struggling to find it during training too though). I had Grace meeting me at different points in the race to give me oranges and motivate me so I wasn't concerned about my condition yet as I knew I would have a constant source of nutrition at regular intervals along the way, I was making sure I was taking water and gatorade at every aid station about every 2 miles. I felt confident that I would be able to keep it together. Then at mile 14 my body felt like an oven was turned on and I started having cramping issues. I ran my first half in the time I wanted to but realized I was having trouble keeping my target pace. I figured I could take in more gatorade in the next two aid stations and then I would feel better. Not the case, I got to mile 18 and was still moving well and then fell apart. Mile 19 was horrible, mile 20 was even more horrible - thank goodness Grace came to find me and ran with me and my sister and my nieces were cheering for me because I wanted to just sit down and stop moving at this point. I wanted a coke for the caffeine and sugar and I wanted to take off my shoes. My feet had started swelling so much I couldn't feel my toes any longer and my feet HURT! I walked about half of mile 21 then started running again until my calves and my feet hurt so much I had to start to walk again. I found a fence to put my foot up on so I could untie and tie my shoes again (my figers were also swollen so that was difficult) but I felt immediate relief. I started running again 5 min on, 2 min off for about 1 mile then decided I just needed to run so that I could be done. I just needed to be done. I knew that Brenda was going to be waiting for me around mile 25 so I just had to get to there by myself and I would be able to think about something else for a mile and get to the end. Brenda met me at mile 24ish which was phenomenal. I had been running when I got to her and then she helped me to pick up the pace a little bit and got me to the finish line. Without her help, the last 2 miles would have been brutal. I finished in 5 hrs 7 min - 17 min longer than I had planned but I finished. The day had gotten to 84 degrees - way too hot for an October day in the Northeast. It was brutal. I think I did well for the weather conditions.
Recovery has been difficult. My foot hurts from the run and I am less than motivated. I have several black toenails from my foot swelling so much. I know that I need to start training for the Ironman in about a month so I feel like I can slack a little for 1 month and hope I heal completely before subjecting myself to the torture of Ironman training. I am exhausted from the effort but I am already excited about my next marathon in the future.
Joe's day was great! He finished in 3:03. Ryan finished in 2:58! KP, Courtney, and Tucker finished their first marathon ever! Brenda finished her 2nd half marathon 9 months to the day of the birth of her daughter. Scott finished his 1st half marathon ever! Ultimately, we all had a good day!
The day before the race was more chaotic than we had planned it to be but we recovered quickly and even took a nap. We went to bed at 9:30 with a great night planned of sleep ahead of us. At 12:45 am I saw lights around the block and heard a woman screaming outside. I then heard something in the backyard. I realized that the woman was yelling for her dog. This dog was in my backyard. I tried to yell to the woman that her dog was in my backyard but she was yelling at her significant other at this point. Then the smell hit. The dog had chased a skunk into the backyard. The skunk sprayed the dog right under the kitchen and bedroom windows. The entire house smelled of skunk. The dog finally left our yard about an hr later. The woman found the dog but because it smelled, let the dog sit outside the rest of the night and cry from 2 am until we left for the race in the morning.
Race Day:
Temps were starting at 55 degrees but were scheduled to get up to 80 degrees by the end of the day. I kept thinking I would be fine if I just hydrated appropriately. My more pressing concern was that I hadn't slept all night and smelled like skunk. We also knew that after the race, we would have to go home and figure out how to deal with the smell, not just sit down and rest. The race started and I felt great. I ran my first mile slower than I had planned but knew that that was just my style of running so I wasn't worried. At around mile 11 I realized it was getting warm out and I was running a little faster than I had planned. I figured I would just slow back down to the pace I wanted but I was struggling to find that pace (I had been struggling to find it during training too though). I had Grace meeting me at different points in the race to give me oranges and motivate me so I wasn't concerned about my condition yet as I knew I would have a constant source of nutrition at regular intervals along the way, I was making sure I was taking water and gatorade at every aid station about every 2 miles. I felt confident that I would be able to keep it together. Then at mile 14 my body felt like an oven was turned on and I started having cramping issues. I ran my first half in the time I wanted to but realized I was having trouble keeping my target pace. I figured I could take in more gatorade in the next two aid stations and then I would feel better. Not the case, I got to mile 18 and was still moving well and then fell apart. Mile 19 was horrible, mile 20 was even more horrible - thank goodness Grace came to find me and ran with me and my sister and my nieces were cheering for me because I wanted to just sit down and stop moving at this point. I wanted a coke for the caffeine and sugar and I wanted to take off my shoes. My feet had started swelling so much I couldn't feel my toes any longer and my feet HURT! I walked about half of mile 21 then started running again until my calves and my feet hurt so much I had to start to walk again. I found a fence to put my foot up on so I could untie and tie my shoes again (my figers were also swollen so that was difficult) but I felt immediate relief. I started running again 5 min on, 2 min off for about 1 mile then decided I just needed to run so that I could be done. I just needed to be done. I knew that Brenda was going to be waiting for me around mile 25 so I just had to get to there by myself and I would be able to think about something else for a mile and get to the end. Brenda met me at mile 24ish which was phenomenal. I had been running when I got to her and then she helped me to pick up the pace a little bit and got me to the finish line. Without her help, the last 2 miles would have been brutal. I finished in 5 hrs 7 min - 17 min longer than I had planned but I finished. The day had gotten to 84 degrees - way too hot for an October day in the Northeast. It was brutal. I think I did well for the weather conditions.
Recovery has been difficult. My foot hurts from the run and I am less than motivated. I have several black toenails from my foot swelling so much. I know that I need to start training for the Ironman in about a month so I feel like I can slack a little for 1 month and hope I heal completely before subjecting myself to the torture of Ironman training. I am exhausted from the effort but I am already excited about my next marathon in the future.
Joe's day was great! He finished in 3:03. Ryan finished in 2:58! KP, Courtney, and Tucker finished their first marathon ever! Brenda finished her 2nd half marathon 9 months to the day of the birth of her daughter. Scott finished his 1st half marathon ever! Ultimately, we all had a good day!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Summer and Ironman
Summer is beautiful! My garden is out of control with the plants and produce it is giving forth! My running is mixed with many bad days and then every 4 weeks a good one but I have had a nice amount of biking but little swimming. I had a fantastic run last week 15.5 miles in Lake Placid on a day that was overcast and about 65 degrees out. It was a perfect long run day and I needed that boost as my last few long runs have beat me up from the heat. As long as the heat stays abaited for the marathon, it looks like I could have a great day. I will face it, in the Adirondacks, we are on a downward swing and the temps will be great for running in the next few weeks with highs only around 75ish. I will take it.
Going back a few weeks, we volunteered for Ironman and then signed up the next day. It is always a fabulous experience but this year was different. The organizers for the event seem to think that we just want to volunteer and get our spot the next day without doing much work (or at least the volunteer organizer that we worked for thought that). I was excited to see the athletes especially our friends who have trained so hard for the race and just helping out for the event that we love so much. In the process of volunteering I was yelled at for holding the cups of "Perform" incorrectly and my friend was yelled at for putting too many ice cubes into cups "The athletes can only have 2 ice cubes". Our response to the ice cube thing was "Those athletes paid a lot of money to do this race, let them have enough ice cubes to cool them down." We were also told that if we didn't fulfill our 5 hr commitment to her standards, she would call and tell them we couldn't have a volunteer spot on registration day. (We were told while waiting in line that other volunteer spots were asked to do their job and when it was done, they could go watch the race.) It was disappointing to be treated this way as I have watched this race since its inception in Lake Placid and volunteered for 3 yrs before doing my first race and I love to volunteer at the race. It made me angry that she didn't think we truely wanted to be here helping out and treating us very inappropiriately. On the bright side of the day though, my nieces (Kaelah and Sierra) both came with my parents later in the afternoon and all volunteered at the aid station and loved every minute of it. I was excited that Kaelah got to enjoy volunteering and the joys of giving back at an age where she slightly understood what this means (she is 7). The athletes were amazing to them and were so excited to be given the all important ice from the girls!
The girls are so excited to see us do the race next year too because of this experience. Our friends did amazingly! It was an emotional day watching this time, and knowing exactly how it felt to cross that finish line and wanting that feeling again. I forgot about that feeling until I watched again and realized I crave it - it is like a drug that you just need to experience once a year. In all of the excitement of the day, there were five of us who signed up for next year, it will be all of our come back to Ironman and I am excited about the training to be had with all of them!
Kaelah did get something else this year from watching Ironman. She was walking with me a couple weeks ago and said:
Kaelah: "Kelly, when can I tryout for Ironman?".
Kelly: "There is no tryouts for Ironman you just sign up."
She thought for a minute: "So, I can do it next year."
Kelly: "You have to be a little older to do an Ironman."
Kaelah: "So when I'm 9?"
Kelly: "Older"
Kaelah: "12??"
Kelly: "No, when you are 18"
Kaelah, after thinking for about a minute: "That's a long time. I want to tryout to do it next year."
So, maybe I have another Ironman on my hands some day! I can't wait for that day! In the meantime, maybe we will try to get her to do IronKids next year as I think that she will be happy with anything that says Iron on it!!!
Going back a few weeks, we volunteered for Ironman and then signed up the next day. It is always a fabulous experience but this year was different. The organizers for the event seem to think that we just want to volunteer and get our spot the next day without doing much work (or at least the volunteer organizer that we worked for thought that). I was excited to see the athletes especially our friends who have trained so hard for the race and just helping out for the event that we love so much. In the process of volunteering I was yelled at for holding the cups of "Perform" incorrectly and my friend was yelled at for putting too many ice cubes into cups "The athletes can only have 2 ice cubes". Our response to the ice cube thing was "Those athletes paid a lot of money to do this race, let them have enough ice cubes to cool them down." We were also told that if we didn't fulfill our 5 hr commitment to her standards, she would call and tell them we couldn't have a volunteer spot on registration day. (We were told while waiting in line that other volunteer spots were asked to do their job and when it was done, they could go watch the race.) It was disappointing to be treated this way as I have watched this race since its inception in Lake Placid and volunteered for 3 yrs before doing my first race and I love to volunteer at the race. It made me angry that she didn't think we truely wanted to be here helping out and treating us very inappropiriately. On the bright side of the day though, my nieces (Kaelah and Sierra) both came with my parents later in the afternoon and all volunteered at the aid station and loved every minute of it. I was excited that Kaelah got to enjoy volunteering and the joys of giving back at an age where she slightly understood what this means (she is 7). The athletes were amazing to them and were so excited to be given the all important ice from the girls!
The girls are so excited to see us do the race next year too because of this experience. Our friends did amazingly! It was an emotional day watching this time, and knowing exactly how it felt to cross that finish line and wanting that feeling again. I forgot about that feeling until I watched again and realized I crave it - it is like a drug that you just need to experience once a year. In all of the excitement of the day, there were five of us who signed up for next year, it will be all of our come back to Ironman and I am excited about the training to be had with all of them!
Kaelah did get something else this year from watching Ironman. She was walking with me a couple weeks ago and said:
Kaelah: "Kelly, when can I tryout for Ironman?".
Kelly: "There is no tryouts for Ironman you just sign up."
She thought for a minute: "So, I can do it next year."
Kelly: "You have to be a little older to do an Ironman."
Kaelah: "So when I'm 9?"
Kelly: "Older"
Kaelah: "12??"
Kelly: "No, when you are 18"
Kaelah, after thinking for about a minute: "That's a long time. I want to tryout to do it next year."
So, maybe I have another Ironman on my hands some day! I can't wait for that day! In the meantime, maybe we will try to get her to do IronKids next year as I think that she will be happy with anything that says Iron on it!!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Marathon Training and signing up for the 2012 Ironman Lake Placid
I want to PR in a marathon! I decided a few months ago while watching the Boston Marathon (never make decisions about signing up for a race after watching a really inspirational race) that I was going to do the Mohawk Hudson Marathon. This should give me a great opportunity to PR since most of the course is downhill. Training has been interesting at best. I have been struggling with running ever since moving to the camp. I have not done the long runs that I have planned to do due to weather and watching Ironman. I am getting better though and I have been incorporating biking into the plan as well. I am looking for a 4:45 so hopefully all of the exhaustion of training at a slighly higher altitude and warmer weather will help me out when I do the race. I will keep you posted on my progress!
We also signed up for the Ironman for next year! I did have a moment of questioning when I was going to pay my money but I miss the high of the finish line. I told Joe the other night it was my drug addiction - I love the high of feeling like a rockstar when the crowd cheers for you and Mike Riley says your name! Well, here I come for the 3rd time!!!
We also signed up for the Ironman for next year! I did have a moment of questioning when I was going to pay my money but I miss the high of the finish line. I told Joe the other night it was my drug addiction - I love the high of feeling like a rockstar when the crowd cheers for you and Mike Riley says your name! Well, here I come for the 3rd time!!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
BAA 5K and Country Music Half Marathon
BAA 5K - April 17th
Joe and I were lucky enough to get into the BAA 5K and have a vacation on the same week of the Boston Marathon. I absolutely love watching the Boston Marathon so this was great to be at least a slight part of the excitement. We were staying with our friend Shauna for the weekend and all of us were going to run the race. I was excited to see how fast I could run a 5K since it has been a while since I have run a 5K and I had been running really well. We were up early on Sunday morning and went to Copley Center. It was cool and a really strong storm had gone through the night before so it was wet out. It was perfect weather for a race to me. Plus the course was fairly flat and fast. I heard the gun go off and I took off leaving Shauna behind me (I didn't really mean to - I wasn't sure if she was going to try to run with me or not - Sorry Shauna). I had my fast pink shoes on and was really excited to see what I could do in them. I ran the first mile fast and felt out of breath and it just hurt! The second mile I didn't know how fast I was going or how fast I would finish in. I really thought that my time would be just about 29 min - which is what I wanted - but then the last mile hit. I went into the third mile knowing that I only had 1 mile remaining and with my training of distance, that would be nothing. The last mile was just all out for me (I know that an 8 something mile is not all out to some but to me it was my full sprint). As I went through the finishing line, I was shocked to see that my time was a 28:06. This was great because my PR in the 5K was a 29:14 in 2008!!! I am so excited by this improvement!
Country Music Marathon - April 30
Off to Nashville I went to run a race with Jenn, Kim, Macy, and Gretchen. Macy was going to attempt the full marathon while Jenn and I were going to attempt to see how fast we could go and Kim and Gretchen were going out for their first attempt at a half marathon. With Erin in tow, we had a girls weekend centered around a really big Rock N Roll Series race. This is my kind of girls weekend surrounded by good people who are all interested in testing our limits and achieving things through running. I know how much each one of us worked to get there for this race and knew how much this race meant for all of us. We enjoyed all of the expo and a fantastic dinner near Vanderbilt then went back to the hotel to turn in for the night.
We woke up bright and early Saturday morning at 4 am - a time that I swore I would never see if I wasn't doing an Ironman! We were in the car by 4:45 and then were stuck in this insane amount of traffic, all runners converging on the LP Field parking lots to catch the shuttle buses to the start and my anxiety started to get the better of me. I am a creature of habit before races - arrive 1 hr prior to the start, have my cup of coffee, eat a small breakfast about an hour and a half away from the start, and then use the bathroom right before the start. This way I can be calm and cool when I start to run. We knew the shuttles were supposed to stop running at 6 am but we weren't parked until around 6ish after sitting in the car for over an hour in traffic. We were able to get on a bus around 6:30 am and then the shuttle bus got stuck in traffic. When we arrived we wanted to get our bags to gear check since that was supposed to have closed at 6:30 and the race was going to start at 7. I lost Macy, Gretchen, and Kim at the bag check but Jenn and I made our way to the very nasty porta potties together after the first corrals had already started. Then we went our separate ways only to meet up in the corral because once the race started, all of the corrals started to jumble together because they didn't have people making sure that only certain people were allowed in that corral.
Jenn and I decided to start together and then go our separate ways once one of us felt held back. I had assumed it would be Jenn because she is naturally a little faster than I am but we hadn't seen the course yet and it was already a hot one and we had only run in over 62 degree temps once or twice. We went out at a challenging pace to maintain for a half marathon but we figured it would feel comfortable after a couple miles. As we started up our first hill and crested it, we could see the massive sea of people in front of us traversing up the next hill. This would be our view for most of the race. I thought of dropping off the pace a few times but just figured I would just go with it. My theory is that you don't know where your crash and burn point is until you hit it so you might as well go after it and see what happens. Because of the corral issue, we had to weave a lot at the beginning as people starting in front of us were just walking and not staying to the sides. At mile 5 I realized I was in trouble with this pace but wasn't willing to hold back. I had told Jenn that if she felt she was being held back, she should go but she didn't want to - she was ok with the pace. It was getting hot and all the course had was up-hills and down-hills! At mile 7 I turned to Jenn and asked if there were any flat parts of this course as I was feeling my quads deteriorate after all the hills. I was so focused on running hard I was missing the bands and the crowds and just concentrating on my pace. Jenn and I settled into our normal training stance with Jenn running right off of my left shoulder and I could make out her pink hat or her shadow. We were not talking at all. We were just pacing one another. jenn then turned to me and said she had goosebumps which to me showed a heat related issue. I knew that wasn't exactly the best situation for this much of the race remaining but told her to drink the cyotmax at the next aid station. At around mile 9 or 10 (I actually knew I was pushing too hard and we had gone out too fast by now but was trying to remain focused and consistant), I went into a zone - getting rid of all of my distractions and focusing on maintaining a positive mind set and trying to replay my mantra's in my head instead of concentrating on the constantly rolling hills. At the next mile marker, I realized Jenn wasn't on my shoulder and I didn't know where she went. I figured she either pulled ahead or was close behind as I was coming off of our wanted pace. I hadn't been eating at all since my 2 gu blocks at mile 5 since they just made me feel like I was going to vomit. I had an orange a couple miles ago and then saw more oranges in bins near the side. I tried to grab one and missed, then another and missed, then finally slowed just enough to grab them while the volunteer yelled at me to "Just slow down and grab it, it doesn't matter." I said "I don't want to slow down!" This is obviously someone who A) doesn't run or B) doesn't understand that just because I am running above a 10 min per mile pace, I am still competing against myself and it matters to me!!! I entered mile 11 and there was a downhill - thank goodness as I felt like I was really not going to make it. I kept saying it isn't an Ironman - you just need to go 2 more miles. I also kept thinking that I could do 12 min miles and finish in 2:20 which was around my goal. Mile 11 and only 2 miles to go. The death march set in - one foot in front of the other and the thought "Just walk..." but I wouldn't do it. From Ironman I knew that this wasn't as bad as it could be after 136 miles so I just kept pushing forward thinking that the downhill would continue. Then there was mile 12 - up hill! UGH! This is painful. It was so hot compaired to the 50 degree long runs I had been doing. I kept saying to myself "Just pick it up a little, you are so close to your time goal and finish line. If you pass out at the end it is ok, someone will help you there. Just keep pushing." I just couldn't go any faster though. This was my slowest mile. I got to the finish line in 2 hrs 18 min 33 sec!!! My PR at the extremely flat Mohawk Hudson Half Marathon in 2008 of 2 hrs 18 min 29 sec - yes, I missed my PR by 4 sec! I feel like I can find those 4 sec at the orange station - too bad I needed to take in oranges since my intestines can't handle all of the other stuff. But I am thrilled. This was not my goal race - my goal race is Lake Placid in June and I am ready to really kick some butt now!
We all finished! Kim and Gretchen enjoyed every minute of their first half marathon and a love of running and a drive to do more! Jenn finished and even though she didn't hit the time goal she wanted, I think she is willing to try a marathon in the fall still or at least another half marathon in the near future! She did well on a tough hot day and a hilly course that we were not prepared for. Macy decided to do the half instead of the full but did well - she is a fast one! She finished and then tried to figure out how to get me to do a 30 mile trail run in Illinois!
We ended our weekend by going to the Gaylord Opryland Resort for dinner and a viewing of the botanical gardens and the fountain! It was gorgeous! And then we said goodbye to girls weekend on Sunday to go back to our lives.
Threee days later, my quads are still killing me from all of the uphills and even more from the downhills! It is a good feeling that I don't feel often due to my Ironman training. I have taken a few days off to recover but start again tomorrow to push hard until June and the Lake Placid Half Marathon.
In conclusion
I am working hard to get faster and stronger and I am thrilled that it is paying off. Of course, it is coming with me just running - I haven't really been biking or swimming at all so it is all just from running. I hope that once I start adding in all of the other stuff it will keep getting better. I am so happy that I have friends who love running as much (or maybe close to as much) as I do! I have a new plan to do a race somewhere in the US once a year with Kim - which makes me extremely happy. I am extremely happy with my running right now and I have such high hopes that it continues!
Joe and I were lucky enough to get into the BAA 5K and have a vacation on the same week of the Boston Marathon. I absolutely love watching the Boston Marathon so this was great to be at least a slight part of the excitement. We were staying with our friend Shauna for the weekend and all of us were going to run the race. I was excited to see how fast I could run a 5K since it has been a while since I have run a 5K and I had been running really well. We were up early on Sunday morning and went to Copley Center. It was cool and a really strong storm had gone through the night before so it was wet out. It was perfect weather for a race to me. Plus the course was fairly flat and fast. I heard the gun go off and I took off leaving Shauna behind me (I didn't really mean to - I wasn't sure if she was going to try to run with me or not - Sorry Shauna). I had my fast pink shoes on and was really excited to see what I could do in them. I ran the first mile fast and felt out of breath and it just hurt! The second mile I didn't know how fast I was going or how fast I would finish in. I really thought that my time would be just about 29 min - which is what I wanted - but then the last mile hit. I went into the third mile knowing that I only had 1 mile remaining and with my training of distance, that would be nothing. The last mile was just all out for me (I know that an 8 something mile is not all out to some but to me it was my full sprint). As I went through the finishing line, I was shocked to see that my time was a 28:06. This was great because my PR in the 5K was a 29:14 in 2008!!! I am so excited by this improvement!
Country Music Marathon - April 30
Off to Nashville I went to run a race with Jenn, Kim, Macy, and Gretchen. Macy was going to attempt the full marathon while Jenn and I were going to attempt to see how fast we could go and Kim and Gretchen were going out for their first attempt at a half marathon. With Erin in tow, we had a girls weekend centered around a really big Rock N Roll Series race. This is my kind of girls weekend surrounded by good people who are all interested in testing our limits and achieving things through running. I know how much each one of us worked to get there for this race and knew how much this race meant for all of us. We enjoyed all of the expo and a fantastic dinner near Vanderbilt then went back to the hotel to turn in for the night.
We woke up bright and early Saturday morning at 4 am - a time that I swore I would never see if I wasn't doing an Ironman! We were in the car by 4:45 and then were stuck in this insane amount of traffic, all runners converging on the LP Field parking lots to catch the shuttle buses to the start and my anxiety started to get the better of me. I am a creature of habit before races - arrive 1 hr prior to the start, have my cup of coffee, eat a small breakfast about an hour and a half away from the start, and then use the bathroom right before the start. This way I can be calm and cool when I start to run. We knew the shuttles were supposed to stop running at 6 am but we weren't parked until around 6ish after sitting in the car for over an hour in traffic. We were able to get on a bus around 6:30 am and then the shuttle bus got stuck in traffic. When we arrived we wanted to get our bags to gear check since that was supposed to have closed at 6:30 and the race was going to start at 7. I lost Macy, Gretchen, and Kim at the bag check but Jenn and I made our way to the very nasty porta potties together after the first corrals had already started. Then we went our separate ways only to meet up in the corral because once the race started, all of the corrals started to jumble together because they didn't have people making sure that only certain people were allowed in that corral.
Jenn and I decided to start together and then go our separate ways once one of us felt held back. I had assumed it would be Jenn because she is naturally a little faster than I am but we hadn't seen the course yet and it was already a hot one and we had only run in over 62 degree temps once or twice. We went out at a challenging pace to maintain for a half marathon but we figured it would feel comfortable after a couple miles. As we started up our first hill and crested it, we could see the massive sea of people in front of us traversing up the next hill. This would be our view for most of the race. I thought of dropping off the pace a few times but just figured I would just go with it. My theory is that you don't know where your crash and burn point is until you hit it so you might as well go after it and see what happens. Because of the corral issue, we had to weave a lot at the beginning as people starting in front of us were just walking and not staying to the sides. At mile 5 I realized I was in trouble with this pace but wasn't willing to hold back. I had told Jenn that if she felt she was being held back, she should go but she didn't want to - she was ok with the pace. It was getting hot and all the course had was up-hills and down-hills! At mile 7 I turned to Jenn and asked if there were any flat parts of this course as I was feeling my quads deteriorate after all the hills. I was so focused on running hard I was missing the bands and the crowds and just concentrating on my pace. Jenn and I settled into our normal training stance with Jenn running right off of my left shoulder and I could make out her pink hat or her shadow. We were not talking at all. We were just pacing one another. jenn then turned to me and said she had goosebumps which to me showed a heat related issue. I knew that wasn't exactly the best situation for this much of the race remaining but told her to drink the cyotmax at the next aid station. At around mile 9 or 10 (I actually knew I was pushing too hard and we had gone out too fast by now but was trying to remain focused and consistant), I went into a zone - getting rid of all of my distractions and focusing on maintaining a positive mind set and trying to replay my mantra's in my head instead of concentrating on the constantly rolling hills. At the next mile marker, I realized Jenn wasn't on my shoulder and I didn't know where she went. I figured she either pulled ahead or was close behind as I was coming off of our wanted pace. I hadn't been eating at all since my 2 gu blocks at mile 5 since they just made me feel like I was going to vomit. I had an orange a couple miles ago and then saw more oranges in bins near the side. I tried to grab one and missed, then another and missed, then finally slowed just enough to grab them while the volunteer yelled at me to "Just slow down and grab it, it doesn't matter." I said "I don't want to slow down!" This is obviously someone who A) doesn't run or B) doesn't understand that just because I am running above a 10 min per mile pace, I am still competing against myself and it matters to me!!! I entered mile 11 and there was a downhill - thank goodness as I felt like I was really not going to make it. I kept saying it isn't an Ironman - you just need to go 2 more miles. I also kept thinking that I could do 12 min miles and finish in 2:20 which was around my goal. Mile 11 and only 2 miles to go. The death march set in - one foot in front of the other and the thought "Just walk..." but I wouldn't do it. From Ironman I knew that this wasn't as bad as it could be after 136 miles so I just kept pushing forward thinking that the downhill would continue. Then there was mile 12 - up hill! UGH! This is painful. It was so hot compaired to the 50 degree long runs I had been doing. I kept saying to myself "Just pick it up a little, you are so close to your time goal and finish line. If you pass out at the end it is ok, someone will help you there. Just keep pushing." I just couldn't go any faster though. This was my slowest mile. I got to the finish line in 2 hrs 18 min 33 sec!!! My PR at the extremely flat Mohawk Hudson Half Marathon in 2008 of 2 hrs 18 min 29 sec - yes, I missed my PR by 4 sec! I feel like I can find those 4 sec at the orange station - too bad I needed to take in oranges since my intestines can't handle all of the other stuff. But I am thrilled. This was not my goal race - my goal race is Lake Placid in June and I am ready to really kick some butt now!
We all finished! Kim and Gretchen enjoyed every minute of their first half marathon and a love of running and a drive to do more! Jenn finished and even though she didn't hit the time goal she wanted, I think she is willing to try a marathon in the fall still or at least another half marathon in the near future! She did well on a tough hot day and a hilly course that we were not prepared for. Macy decided to do the half instead of the full but did well - she is a fast one! She finished and then tried to figure out how to get me to do a 30 mile trail run in Illinois!
We ended our weekend by going to the Gaylord Opryland Resort for dinner and a viewing of the botanical gardens and the fountain! It was gorgeous! And then we said goodbye to girls weekend on Sunday to go back to our lives.
Threee days later, my quads are still killing me from all of the uphills and even more from the downhills! It is a good feeling that I don't feel often due to my Ironman training. I have taken a few days off to recover but start again tomorrow to push hard until June and the Lake Placid Half Marathon.
In conclusion
I am working hard to get faster and stronger and I am thrilled that it is paying off. Of course, it is coming with me just running - I haven't really been biking or swimming at all so it is all just from running. I hope that once I start adding in all of the other stuff it will keep getting better. I am so happy that I have friends who love running as much (or maybe close to as much) as I do! I have a new plan to do a race somewhere in the US once a year with Kim - which makes me extremely happy. I am extremely happy with my running right now and I have such high hopes that it continues!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Delmar Dash
The Delmar Dash seemed like it was finally the first day of spring! High's in the upper 50's with no wind and lots of SUN!!! Short sleeves were on and it was a beautiful day. We had to run 11 miles today in preparation for the Country Music Half Marathon. Our long runs have been fantastic time wise over the past few weeks. Much faster than the past few years. I feel like I could run a PR in the half anyday now. I am in great running shape.
But there was today... My run felt really fast and I felt really dehydrated. The calf pain I have been dealing with was non-existant but my weird righ upper abdominal issue was back. The pre-race 2 miles originally felt really fast but then I settled in. Then we set out for the 5 miles of the race and we had faster miles each and every mile. It felt exhausting. I even had to get water at the aid station to keep from feeling aweful. Once we finished I had a few orange pieces and a few cups of water. We then headed out for our last 4 miles. They were slower than the race but it was such a beautiful day out and Jenn and I have a tendency to get lost looking at the beautiful houses (I envision myself owning a house with an enclosed patio where Joe and I can eat dinner outside every night and have breakfast/coffee every morning). We also had a goal - to get to the Perfect Blend at the four corners in Delmar to get an iced coffee or smoothie. I had been telling Jenn that I bribe myself to run long runs by promising myself a frappucino if I finish my miles but it has been so cold that I haven't had the ability to bribe myself with a cold drink - I just want tea or coffee after every run to warm up lately. Today it was a perfect ending to a really good day of running (11 miles in 1 hr 53 min).
I feel like the next three weeks are all over the place. 1st we head to Boston to do the BAA 5K with Shauna, then we get to watch the Boston Marathon (looking forward to seeing Ryan Hall, Robert Cheruiyot, and Kara Goucher). I then head to Nashville for the Country Music Half Marathon with Jenn, Erin, Kim, Gretchen, and Maisie. This will be Kim's 1st half marathon ever and I am really excited for her! I see a PR in Jenn's future too. I am looking forward to our girls weekend in a place I have never vistited before.
The exciting part of this weather is that I will start biking outside tomorrow!! I am very much looking forward to seeing how spinning paid off! I have a 50 mile bike ride to train for now. I just have to get my butt in the pool consistantly soon. Hopefully all of these things will make me faster in the Lake Placid 1/2 Marathon in June too!
Thanks for reading! Enjoy the weather!
But there was today... My run felt really fast and I felt really dehydrated. The calf pain I have been dealing with was non-existant but my weird righ upper abdominal issue was back. The pre-race 2 miles originally felt really fast but then I settled in. Then we set out for the 5 miles of the race and we had faster miles each and every mile. It felt exhausting. I even had to get water at the aid station to keep from feeling aweful. Once we finished I had a few orange pieces and a few cups of water. We then headed out for our last 4 miles. They were slower than the race but it was such a beautiful day out and Jenn and I have a tendency to get lost looking at the beautiful houses (I envision myself owning a house with an enclosed patio where Joe and I can eat dinner outside every night and have breakfast/coffee every morning). We also had a goal - to get to the Perfect Blend at the four corners in Delmar to get an iced coffee or smoothie. I had been telling Jenn that I bribe myself to run long runs by promising myself a frappucino if I finish my miles but it has been so cold that I haven't had the ability to bribe myself with a cold drink - I just want tea or coffee after every run to warm up lately. Today it was a perfect ending to a really good day of running (11 miles in 1 hr 53 min).
I feel like the next three weeks are all over the place. 1st we head to Boston to do the BAA 5K with Shauna, then we get to watch the Boston Marathon (looking forward to seeing Ryan Hall, Robert Cheruiyot, and Kara Goucher). I then head to Nashville for the Country Music Half Marathon with Jenn, Erin, Kim, Gretchen, and Maisie. This will be Kim's 1st half marathon ever and I am really excited for her! I see a PR in Jenn's future too. I am looking forward to our girls weekend in a place I have never vistited before.
The exciting part of this weather is that I will start biking outside tomorrow!! I am very much looking forward to seeing how spinning paid off! I have a 50 mile bike ride to train for now. I just have to get my butt in the pool consistantly soon. Hopefully all of these things will make me faster in the Lake Placid 1/2 Marathon in June too!
Thanks for reading! Enjoy the weather!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Getting my act together and Runnin of the Green
January and February brought more shoveling than anything else (or at least this is how I felt). It has been so nasty out that I really couldn't bring myself to run outside for the most part. I also went to Jamaica for a week! I have finally been running well though. I got into the pool and have still been spinning. I finally feel like a triathlete again.
Runnin of the Green
Stacy, Jenn, and I set out to run 8 miles total on the day of Runnin of the Green. It seemed to be the perfect day for a run, 40, cloudy, with only a slight wind on a flat course. We did the first 2 miles at 21:30 and then raced the 4 mile course in 38:03. This is my PR in that distance. It was tough and faster than I normally train at but felt great to be pushing so hard. Prior to this race I had run a 38:50 2 years ago. This was 4 min faster than last years race. We ran a pretty smart race starting out at a 10 min mile then getting down to a 8:58 mile for the last mile. It was difficult but great. We finished up with 2 miles at 22:15. 8 miles total and it was fantastic.
I think I am on the right course to do Nashville in April now and I am excited about it. I can't wait to have girls weekend with an event that I love to do in the mix! The weather is getting better out so I will have more opportunities to run outside on mixed terraine and soon enough the bike will come out! I am so excited! I am unsure when my next race is but I am sure it will be great!
We did well ladies!
Runnin of the Green
Stacy, Jenn, and I set out to run 8 miles total on the day of Runnin of the Green. It seemed to be the perfect day for a run, 40, cloudy, with only a slight wind on a flat course. We did the first 2 miles at 21:30 and then raced the 4 mile course in 38:03. This is my PR in that distance. It was tough and faster than I normally train at but felt great to be pushing so hard. Prior to this race I had run a 38:50 2 years ago. This was 4 min faster than last years race. We ran a pretty smart race starting out at a 10 min mile then getting down to a 8:58 mile for the last mile. It was difficult but great. We finished up with 2 miles at 22:15. 8 miles total and it was fantastic.
I think I am on the right course to do Nashville in April now and I am excited about it. I can't wait to have girls weekend with an event that I love to do in the mix! The weather is getting better out so I will have more opportunities to run outside on mixed terraine and soon enough the bike will come out! I am so excited! I am unsure when my next race is but I am sure it will be great!
We did well ladies!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Year Re-cap
What a year it has been!!! Tour de Cure 63 miler, the Lake Placid 1/2 marathon in June, Tinman 70.3 in June, Ironman in July, and the NYC marathon in November, as well as every traing day in between. My goal was to not overtrain for Ironman like I did last year and thus my numbers are lower this year than they were last year. This is a lot of racing (313.2 miles in those races alone). I remember the feeling of complete excitement that I did the Lake Placid 1/2 marathon in the fastest time I have ever done that race. I remember the sinking feeling when I woke up the day of Tour de Cure to very cold temps and driving rain and instead of the 100 miler I did the 63 miler (good thing too, they cleared the course before I would have finished due to a tornado warning). I remember feeling fabulous after taking time off from last years time at Tinman and knowing I was in great shape even though I tore my leg up in the process (Joe's comment was "Your missing a chunk of your leg. Oh, there it is on your other leg!") I gave back to the running community by volunteering at the No Boundaries program and met really fabulous mentees (Ron, Eeyore, Daci, Jess, and Janice) even though the rest of the experience was a little interesting. I went into Ironman having swapped out my bike seat knowing that I couldn't ride it anymore and ended up with major lower back and IT band issues 1 week before the Ironman. I also knew my training was great up until then. On Ironman day, we were given a perfect day (thanks Melinda). I was going to the start knowing that Christine, Melinda, Kate, and Joe out there as well as many other people I had met on my journey to the starting line and knowing that I was a veteran of Ironman and have accomplished this before. My parents, Alynn, Erin, Sam, and Daci were all there to cheer us on and Jenn and Andrew surprised me on the hill out of Lake Placid. It wasn't exactly my day with my swim being a little slower than last year (the extra people in the water were noticeable) and my bike being exactly the same as last year. I realized that being a seasoned Ironman, it also allowed you to feel this one more since you have been here and didn't have as much adrenaline running through your body the 2nd time around. My run was horrible (although faster than last year)and I remember telling my dad when we were walking back into town that "I need one more shot at this race as I do not have the training down yet and think I have learned a lot over the past two years." I left Ironman with a 16:09 finishing time (15 min faster than last time) and even though I said never again all through training, I now had a vision of doing 5 of these and then calling it quits (haha - those of you who know me know I dream of doing an Ironman when I am 80). I took August extremely easily and then ramped up for marathon training. Then I got strep and had a pretty big set-back. NYC marathon was amazing any way you look at it even though it wasn't fast (I was just getting my money's worth). It was one of the most amazing experiences outside of Ironman. From there I decided to do 30 min of activity 5 days a week for the remainder of the year. I ended the year running again. I ended the year biking again. I haven't quite gotten up to swimming yet but it is on the way. I ended the year excited about my prospects for the new year.
In the new year, I have deemed it the year of speed!!! I can't wait to do an olympic distance triathlon (I don't know when I did this distance last). I will use my time this summer to nurture my garden and keep fit and fast. I started the year on the correct foot in my year of speed. I ran a 3.5 miler today with Jenn and ran it in a 35:35!!! That is by far the fastest I have run in recent history. In the year ahead, I will be going to Jamaica in February with Joe, Kate, and Jeff. This will be our first actual vacation since our honeymoon in 2007! I will be heading off to Boston in April to see the Boston marathon, Shauna, Brenda, Scott, and their new baby. I will be heading to Nashville for the first time ever to do the Country Music Marathon with many friends including Kim - I will be running with her since this is her 1st 1/2 marathon and I always said I would run with her when she decided to do her first 1/2. Joe and I are hoping to do a 1/2 marathon in early April where he can qualify for NYC again and I can get a PR! The Lake Placid 1/2 marathon, Boilermaker, Tour de Cure 50 miler, the Lake George Olympic distance triathlon, and the HMRRC 1/2 marathon in October are also on the list. I expect this year to be full of excitement and enjoyment. I am looking forward to fun runs with friends since I can do any distance short of 13.1 whenever I want to! I am looking forward to volunteering and signing up for the Ironman again too. This will be a great year!
Stats for 2010:
278 days of working out (that I logged)
Swim distance of 44.74 miles
Swim time: 30 hrs 15 min
Bike distance of 1847.66 miles
Bike time: 139 hrs 44 min
Run distance of 568.05 miles
Run time: 108 hrs 43 min
Other distance (elliptical) 10.27 miles
Other time: 10 hrs 4 min
Total distance:2470.74 miles
Total workout time: 288 hrs 45min (12 full days of working out)
In the new year, I have deemed it the year of speed!!! I can't wait to do an olympic distance triathlon (I don't know when I did this distance last). I will use my time this summer to nurture my garden and keep fit and fast. I started the year on the correct foot in my year of speed. I ran a 3.5 miler today with Jenn and ran it in a 35:35!!! That is by far the fastest I have run in recent history. In the year ahead, I will be going to Jamaica in February with Joe, Kate, and Jeff. This will be our first actual vacation since our honeymoon in 2007! I will be heading off to Boston in April to see the Boston marathon, Shauna, Brenda, Scott, and their new baby. I will be heading to Nashville for the first time ever to do the Country Music Marathon with many friends including Kim - I will be running with her since this is her 1st 1/2 marathon and I always said I would run with her when she decided to do her first 1/2. Joe and I are hoping to do a 1/2 marathon in early April where he can qualify for NYC again and I can get a PR! The Lake Placid 1/2 marathon, Boilermaker, Tour de Cure 50 miler, the Lake George Olympic distance triathlon, and the HMRRC 1/2 marathon in October are also on the list. I expect this year to be full of excitement and enjoyment. I am looking forward to fun runs with friends since I can do any distance short of 13.1 whenever I want to! I am looking forward to volunteering and signing up for the Ironman again too. This will be a great year!
Stats for 2010:
278 days of working out (that I logged)
Swim distance of 44.74 miles
Swim time: 30 hrs 15 min
Bike distance of 1847.66 miles
Bike time: 139 hrs 44 min
Run distance of 568.05 miles
Run time: 108 hrs 43 min
Other distance (elliptical) 10.27 miles
Other time: 10 hrs 4 min
Total distance:2470.74 miles
Total workout time: 288 hrs 45min (12 full days of working out)
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